Server Connect file loses changes on CMD+S

Wappler Version : 5.4.2
Operating System : Mac M1
Server Model: PHP
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: AWS Docker

If you drag and drop server connect actions that include a repeat (that’s what I have noticed this for so far) shows the changes in the UI but reverts to the previously opened version when CMD+S is used. Seems to save correctly is using File > Save from the menu bar

Where do you drag/drop these? Can you make a short video please?

This is still the case in 5.5.2

CMD+S does not save the changes I just made to a Library file whereas File>Save does

This was a library file that I duplicated and opened in a new tab. Restarting Wappler (after duplicating the file) and trying to open, edit then save still doesn’t work

I have just lost a whole load of work as a result of this because I thought it had saved - please could you look at the difference between CMD+S and File>Save they should both produce the same result