Server Connect component add noload attribute to the UI

Hi @patrick,

With the reactive nature of App Connect when adding a SC html component that autoloads we make the ajax call more times than needed as not all the parameters are available on the client at the time it runs.

Does it make sense to add a new prop “runIf” that if evaluates false it won’t make the AJAX call at all superseding any other prop change saving some unnecessary roundtrips to the server?

No need.


@George can you add it to the UI?

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There is another post somewhere which proposes not loading SC until the bound parameters have finished initializing… To avoid repeating/overlapping calls.

The initial request here also was asking something along that lines.
Although, it turned out to be a repeat FR for dynamic noload in UI.

@George If you could actually do the parameter thing, that would sort of eliminate the need for dynamic noloads in many cases.

That was my first thought but I discarded it because there might be scenarios where you not only want it to load when the parameters have been evaluated but when they have evaluated to a specific value. That’s why I finally just requested UI support for the noload attribute to cover a broader range of cases.

Added as a dynamic attribute in Wappler 5.3.0