Server Connect API Actions are not being saved

Wappler Version : 3.7.6
Operating System : win 10 pro
Server Model: APACHE PHP
Database Type: MYSQL Maria DB
Hosting Type: OWN Server

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

First of all I need to say that,
I transfered my project from dmx dreamveawer coded files into wappler.

Under Server Connect -> When I try to add new API action under my already existing folder -> Wappler should add new api action and must generate action file under dmxconnect/api/existingfoldername/newapiaction.php

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

the file sometimes being generated but sometimes not workes.
I am sure there is a bug in your api action generations code..

But When I generate a new folder and add api action it works very well. But when I checked that the folder is not being generated under dmxconnect/api/ folder.

Also New generated folders are not being saved under api folder. I can not see the folders. Whn I search with windows file search , my os finds the file and folder. But when I get into api folder I can not see the folder and files..

Could you please help me? I don't want to regenerate all of my api actions one by one..

I though the transfer of the project is okey from dreamveawwer to wappler. But your system not works as expected. it takes too much time to find the bug. I can not finish my projects because of the bugs of wappler. Almosts 3 days I have been trying to find this issue. Could you please check it immediately for me?

I did full uninstall wappler and reinstall it for last chance. Now it seems api actions are being saved into api folder. I will test and give feedback about my issue.