Server connect action lost when saved on iCloud / OneDrive

If I had any hair, then I would be tearing it out.

I am not sure what has just been happening, and I am not blaming Wappler. I just don’t understand what has happened.

Let me try to explain. I have been building a section of a website over a few months that reports financials and generates invoices, statements etc. Up until yesterday it was working really well. One element, a single Server Connect API with four quite complex queries, Get and Post variables, several condition statements, and a few other bits suddenly disappeared. Actually, that’s incorrect. The file is still there. The detail inside the API has disappeared and here is the file now…

I don’t understand where everything could have gone, and now left me with a single Comment Properties action.

Stupidly, my backup of this file is way out of date (in terms of work done). I have had no choice but to revert to the saved file and try to recreate the wonderful work that was now lost :grin:

So this morning I started by adding in some Comment Statements, some Condition Statements, and several additional queries (at least in basic form). I saved things, and then go and make a well earned coffee. I have come back and the file has reverted back to the saved version, losing all that I did this morning before making my coffee.

Here is the file now, back in it’s original state, without this mornings changes.

I suppose two reasons for this post…

  1. A note to self to always back-up regularly and safely onto several devices!
  2. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar issue?

As I said at the beginning, I am not blaming Wappler, I just find the situation very odd.

You cannot press a single button to delete all the variables, queries, conditions etc and to leave the file as shown above with a single Comment Properties action. Weird.

Your timing is also very coincidental. This morning, while I was working on an API file I added a Set Value step and while adding the value (still had the binding window open) it disappeared:

Just to rule out cloud sync (OneDrive/iCloud) this project is entirely local (on a separate drive to anything that is synced)

Which version of Wappler are you both using?

Some have reported issues like this. One cause, but not necessary the only cause, appears linked to onedrive which seems to cause issues due to syncing. If you use it, pause syncing when working EVEN IF you site is not in the onedrive folder tree.

I’m running 5.8.2 (stable) on Mac M1

Any cloud syncing active?

iCloud but I’m not sure that you can pause that so if it is an issue, it could preclude anyone from using Wappler on a Mac unless it is addressed

I am with you on the fact that there is some issue behind this and in my view it has been around a long time.
Personally I always suspected it was a cache replacement issue as I tended to observe it after closing and reopening Wappler. I always assumed perhaps it got confused and restored an old cached page instead of the latest.
Having contents change while actually working adds a completely new dimension to this.

we will also investigate those cloud services like onedrive, icloud and google drive as they seem to play some nasty tricks by saving/synching files multiple times on the background confusing Wappler that there are changed and Wappler just refreshes them to get the new contents…

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I appreciate it @george!

I would say, though, I moved everything to an entirely separate drive and still get saving issues (reported elsewhere) and the above issue despite the drive having nothing synced at all.

@UKRiggers GIT is your friend :smirk:

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Never got round to using it. Has anyone done a quick idiots guide?

I did a few videos here


I’m on 5.8.2 Stable on Windows 10.
Everything is local.

I’ve had similar issues but they were quickly resolved by Git, I’d recommend you try using it, its fairly straightforward to use and is a life saver in times like this.

I use OneDrive and cant stand what it does to my Windows file system, I wish there was a better way to do that.

I make sure all my Wappler folders are in a local folder and nowhere near OneDrive.

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@George, @patrick, @Teodor I have just replicated the issue again and it’s nothing to do with OneDrive etc.

In the following clip I simply have an API open, I click on the refresh button (under where it says ‘App Flows’), and then I use the keyboard to press Ctrl-S to save and the API gets cleared.

I have replicated this several times and it does the same thing each time.

I am on Wappler 5.8.2 Stable on Windows 10

Please recreate this in debug mode and attach the debug log here.

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Bug Report #1691231824078

Your bug report does not contain a log file, but just a screenshot. Make sure to manually browse to the log file and attach it here, don’t post it in a separate topic.