Server action database query not saving

Wappler Version : 5.8.2
Operating System : OSX
Server Model: NOdeJS / Docker
Database Type: POstgresSQL
Hosting Type: Local development

Hi All,

Annoying little bug as follow:

I setup a simple database query in server actions.
I put the table in and conditions for the query.
I close and save
I reoopen and update one of the conditions.
I close and save.
I reopen and the updates were not saved, it reverts back to original.

Sometimes it saves and sometimes it doesn’t.

This is a common problem if you are using a cloud storage such as OneDrive. Turn off OneDrive syncing while working and it will be corrected.

Take a look:

Would never have thought of that! I don’t have onedrive but I do have google drive and dropbox on in the background. Same issue?

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Yep probably same issue.