Server Action - Condition based on Database Query not works as expected

Wappler 5.2.1
Windows 11
Experimental Feature on and off


I always use to check if a Database Query is “true” set in a Condition the same Query and if not “true” use ELSE.

Like this:

Database Query: validation_codes
Condition {{validation_codes}}
Set Value codeMsg = Code Exist ->output
Set Value codeMsg = Code Not Exist ->output

And for testing I only open the API in browser I can see the output base on the condition, but it doesn’t work…

The Database Query is a simple table with a WHERE static condition:

SELECT id_bm
FROM br_cars_general_address
WHERE id_bm = 2

WHERE id_bm = 2 in the database actually not exist, and the condition should have to output codeMsg = Code Not Exist but no, I always get codeMsg = Code Exist


Server Action

Database Query with WHERE condition.

Data in database:

As you can see only exist id_bm 1

And now the output in browser:


If change the static value in WHERE with 1


Now the new output:


The result should have to be codeMsg = Code Not Exist

My workaround is to use one column of the query inside the Condition to show the correct menssage:


And now browser output:

If I change id_bm = 1 I obtain in browser output:

using the same logic in a PHP project it works as it should, without the need to index the column in the Condition like this validacion_codes[0].id_bm, in php project is directly the condition. validacion_codes

It’s just the expression you are using, which is not correct for this case.
An empty query will return an empty object, which will also evaluate to true when using this expression, as it’s not an empty value empty but an object [].
If you want to check whether a multiple query returns a value or not you can check that using the .count() formatter available in the server side data formatters. You want to check if the count i.e. number of results is greater than 0 or not.

{{query.count() > 0}}
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