Sendgrip API - use html file as body of email?

Hi everyone,

I don’t know if it’s related, but since Wappler move to phpMailer my Sengrid smtp relay has been failing well over 50% of the time, with no errors displayed anywhere - it’s just as if the request never reached their smtp relay.

I’m therefore attempting to move to their API, which is unchartered territory for me (I’m not a good coder and illiterate with Json). I’ve got the basics done in terms of calling the API and setting the headers:

My next step is to set-up the JSON data with personalization, which will include the sender’s email address from a dynamic source (I see the editor in wappler facilitates this fairly easily), the email subject, and particularly, and HTML body. For the latter, I am trying to achieve the same that the send mail step facilitated, which is to send an HTML file as the email body:


I have not found any documentation on how to achieve this through the sengrid API, and I’m also getting multiple formatting errors as I try to learn proper JSON, making the task more challenging for something that seems fairly simple.

I wonder if anyone had a sample that I could use for guidance?

Many thanks,

If I were you I would look at creating a dynamic template over at SendGrid and then using an API connection to send the email.

I’ve done similar but with another provider (Postmark). I never use SMTP anymore, usually rely on a third-party mail provider/API.

Thanks for the pointers @max_gb, I do need to send a file as a body as it has a dynamic repeat region, and the only way I found this can be done within the wappler ecosystem is by outputing a file .

I’m going for this for now, it seems the only thing that may work is an attachment.
I’m facing an authentication error that requires some other troubleshooting, I will update to confirm if the below works, for further reference to anyone facing the same challenge(s):

  "personalizations": [
      "to": [
          "email": "{{ha_settings.hass_to}}"
  "from": {
    "email": "{{ha_settings.hass_username}}"
  "subject": "' Daily Hot Accounts Report - {{NOW_UTC.formatDate('ddd dd MMM yyyy')}}",
  "content": [
      "type": "text/html",
      "value": "If the email doesn't display, please check your attachments."
      "content": "BASE64_ENCODED_CONTENT",
      "type": "text/html",
      "filename": "/add_ons/hot_account/hot_account.html"

Does any body know why in the api action I’ve got authentication set to none, but then on the server action code, I see the sendgrid api set as password? It seems to be breaking what sendgrid is expecting (adding @George and @patrick :

                                        "content": "BASE64_ENCODED_CONTENT",
                                        "type": "text/html",
                                        "filename": "/add_ons/hot_account/hot_account.html"
                                  "password": "SG.xxxxxxx4"
                                "output": true

Try temporarily switching Authorization to Username and clear the Password field.

Thanks @Quy - it doesn’t work, the value remains there and is not clear, despite switching back and forth and clearing the password each time, and putting a different value and clearing it.

You can do this still by using the Set Value function. It has been mentioned previously on the forums…

You can leave Authorization as None, and make sure Data Type is set to JSON.

Then if you scroll down to the bottom you need to set a header for the SendGrid Authorization (remember to include the word Bearer):

Name Value
Authorization: Bearer <<YOUR_API_KEY>>

Yes, that’s how I have it set-up, including the other required header. Does anything seem missed on this screenshot?:

Ah, I see you’ve spelled Authorisation (UK) where it needs to be Authorization (US). You also need to add a colon so it looks like: Authorization:

If you’re keeping Content-Type then that also needs a colon after.

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Good catch @max_gb, thanks! It was the spelling of authorization with a Z, the colons actually break the functionality. I have a further error on my personalizations due to the enconding of the attachments, but the api call is now working, despite the password being on the server action file.

It looks like I have to put the HTML file content into a variable and then input it to Sendgrid as the body - my HTML output is too complex to go for the suggestion from @max_gb, does anyone know how to put a file_get_contents('') into a session from the server action interface? Maybe @George or @patrick ?

for anyone with the same or close use case, this is the solution I came up with:

1.Create a custom server side module to import HTML files.

  1. a) hsjon file
  type: 'html_import',
  module : 'html',
  action : 'import',
  groupTitle : 'Custom Actions',
  groupIcon : 'fas fa-lg fa-hammer comp-data',
  title : 'Html import',
  icon : 'fas fa-lg fa-file-code comp-data',
  dataPickObject: true,
  properties : [
      group: 'import Properties',
      variables: [
        { name: 'actionName', optionName: 'name', title: 'Name', 
          type: 'text', required: true, defaultValue: ''},
        { name: 'actionPath', optionName: 'path', title: 'Path',
          type: 'file',  required: true, defaultValue: ''}

1.b custom HTML import PHP file (html.php):

namespace modules;

use \lib\core\Module;
use \lib\core\Path;

class html extends Module
  public function import($options, $name) {
    $path= $this->app->parseObject($options->path);
    $html_imported = file_get_contents(Path::toSystemPath($path));
    return $html_imported;
  1. Add a corresponding step to your server side action:

  2. Set the above to your sending personalisation json code:

  "personalizations": [
      "to": [
          "email": "{{ha_settings.hass_to}}"
  "from": {
    "email": "{{ha_settings.hass_username}}"
  "subject": " Daily Hot Accounts Report - {{NOW_UTC.formatDate('ddd dd MMM yyyy')}}",
  "content": [
      "type": "text/html",
      "value": "{{ha_import}}"
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