Send Email to Multiple Recipients - TO CC BCC

Send email server action does not support sending email to multiple recipients. Please add support for multiple To, CC & BCC recipients separated by comma/semi-colon.


If the recipient list is selected dynamically, split string formatter could be used too.

why not just adding a variable before and add semicollon separated emails ? Does that not work?

No. It just doesn’t support multiple email IDs written in those fields. Only one email ID is expected. Else email is not sent.

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haha okay crazy… I mean sendmail function supports it of course. Buuuuuut I guess, as Wappler also Supports SMTP they have implemented their own function… Ok I‘ll vote for it now :grinning:

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Wow did not realize I could not add more than one person to receive the email, do I have to add more Send mail steps in order to add more people getting the email?

No, just the one Send Mail step.

So was the adding email to the field allow “Send to” allow more than one email account: like,,

That’s correct

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Actually that’s incorrect. Unless there has been an update and no one posted here.

You need to use a repeater. Send the email ids via single get or post variable.
In the expression for repeater, select the variable and use split string formatter.
Then set send mail step inside repeater with TO set to repeater value.

Mail setup step will be outside the repeater and is to be added only once.

Please make a video tutorial on how to send email ambassadors.

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Multiple CC and BCC are now available in Wappler 3.5.0
You can enter them as a comma separated list.