@Teodor I think we need a new “Open Source Champion” badge
Richard Stallman might have a thing or two to say about that.
“Self-hosted FOSS Scout Champion” would be more appropriate but it’s too long. I am just happy that these tools can be of help to the Wappler fam.
The true champions are the ones that build them, released them freely and made them so easy to self-host with docker(mainly).
There is absolutely no reason anyone needs to break the bank to start a business nowdays.
Segment alternative:
Product feedback:
Typeform alternative:
Algolia alternative:
Useful for content-based sites or regularlay updated content such as blogs
Datadog alternative:
Just found this thread. Some interesting stuff to play with. Looks like I’ll be spending hours checking these links out while having coffee or beers depending on the time of day. Haha
Glad you liked it. There a great tools mentioned that can help your project/business in early stages.
Data exploration and visualization:
Disqus alternative:
Retool alternative:
Probably one of the best hunts I’ve done. Going to follow closely this one. Amazing project for designers. Great if you need to share designs with teams/customers and receive feedback.
Figma alternative:
Penpot is brought by the team behind Taiga which is an agile project management alternative to redmine, wekan, etc. Also Open Source self-hosted.
Turn flowcharts into JavaScript code
Drakon.Tech is a truly visual online development environment for JavaScript.
- Runs in the browser.
- Based on the DRAKON visual language.
cloudron.io self-hosted platform containing popular open source apps or you can even package your own. User management, certificates, backups & leverages Docker - would be nice to have the ability to build and host Wappler apps on it: https://docs.cloudron.io/custom-apps/tutorial/
Also a few of the projects mentioned already have packages in the app marketplace like Metabase, Mautic, Tiaga & Baserow is on the way: https://www.cloudron.io/store/index.html
(Have been a personal customer of theirs for years)
Thanks for sharing. It looks interesting.
I had a look at it and I had a hard time trying to understand their pricing model regarding the apps limits.
Can you confirm I got it correctly? I can use Cloudron to install as many apps from their directory of supported apps as I want. But in the free tier only two apps will get automatic updates.
Also in their premium packages there are additional features.
The free Tier which includes automatic updates only allows for 2 apps to be installed from the marketplace, also it is limited to 20 users - I do believe it is possible to manually install additional apps beyond the two from any git repo but keep in mind they are not supported via automatic update (I could be wrong on this but to my understanding it should work on this tier - I have yet to test)
The Premium tier is where you can install any amount of apps (marketplace or custom) & users (based on your hardware limitations) plus the additional features like API Tokens, Dynamic DNS, User Groups/Roles and so more
Wappler + their LAMP app work pretty well together “out of the box” minus some DB connection issues
Ideally now that Wappler has NodeJS my personal project is to get an app packaged for Cloudron
Thanks for confirming. The 2 app limit is a nuisance, but I respect they want to put food on their tables
I would have personally loved to see a no limits in apps for one user.
An alternative to Cloudron:
Indeed - the only software I really care to pay for are Wappler and Cloudron lol =p
Yeah I’ve seen and used mostly all of them: yunohost, sandstorm and others like https://homelabos.com/ but none really provide what I need (free or paid) besides Cloudron, always open to something new though!
I normally follow manual instructions when I self host and I wrap it all with nginx proxy manager. But having everything updated automatically and a single UI is a compelling point to be fair.
Its tough to balance simplifying “self hosting” especially when we all enjoy the process and technicalities
NPM of this: sitemap-generator - npm - would be super useful to have something like this native in Wappler Project Settings. Any thoughts on that @George?