Select input box not allowing you to pick value and text fields after upgrade to 4.6.0

it was working yesterday. after the last upgrade, When I add a select box, I can’t assign the value and text fields when I pick them. Nothing happens. It’s been working fine. Is there a bug here?


Can you please explain this a little more detailed? (477.4 KB)

does this help?

basically, I’m just trying to add a new select box and get the values from a table. Nothing I haven’t done before. You can select the database source table for the values but when you try to assign the text value and the actual value using the interface, nothing happens. I’ve tried with just a blank form as well and got the same thing. If I take an existing select box and try to reassign the text or actual value, it doesn’t work either. Definitely a problem that wasn’t there before. Does that help you understand what is happening?


I have the same Problem, dynamic Datasource can addet, when i click the dynamic Text Field Value i can select the Value and Wappler dont save this selectet. the filed is Blank

This is in all function with dynamic Valus ( select , Autocomplet etc)

I was able to do it manually but that’s really a pain. What you need to do is put in some text in the text and value fields so that the code becomes visible. Then, replace that with the appropriate field names. Hopefully, there will be a patch soon.

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This has been fixed in Wappler 4.6.1

Thank you so much!

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