Select component show only values not inserted in database

I wish to have a select component that show a list of values that remains to be inserted in database.
Everytime I insert a value in the database, the select component should remove this value.
It is possible? How to do that?


Yes, It could be done in query level, that the inserted values should not show
use dmx-hide if its inserted

Hi thanks for your reply. Could you please show me an example of that?

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connect me with anydesk id, ill help, send via message

I’m sorry but I’m at work and I cannot use Anydesk

You can filter the database query, which is used to populate the select using the NOT IN condition and use as a value the items already inserted in the database.

thanks Teodor, could you please show me visually?

You need two database queries - one, which returns the items stored in the database and another one for the query items:

Screenshot 2022-03-14 at 10.17.21

You don’t need to filter the first one, just turn off the output for it.
The second query will used the results from the first one in the filters. So:

In the conditions, select the id column, select NOT IN and then select the first query, apply the flatten formatter and select the id column.

It works, thanks Teodor