Security Session vanishes when NodeJS server reloads

Edit: Solved by enabling Redis as response below :slight_smile:

Wappler Version : 4.4.4
Operating System : MacOS Big Sur
Server Model: NodeJS 16
Database Type: MariaDB 10.5
Hosting Type: Docker

Expected behavior

Security Session is intact after you save a page in Wappler

Actual behavior

When you modify a page in Wappler and hit CMD+S to save it, the NodeJS server restarts. The restart causes the Security Session to vanish, making me login again. This is very annoying as Iโ€™m developing a user dashboard and I constantly have to login again.

How to reproduce

Open a NodeJS project containing login functionality, login, edit the page and save. After refresh, you will see youโ€™re not logged in anymore.

You need redis installed for the sessions to be saved:

Screen Shot 2021-12-13 at 4.09.37 PM

If you are not using the local dev server, I believe you turn redis on in the docker target settings.

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@mebeingken once again you saved me from banging my head against the wall on my first NodeJS project. :blush:

Thank you!


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