Security provider remove the object in users info when target changes

Wappler 5.6.2 | Windows | NodeJS | Target “Dev” Docker, target “Prod” custom.

I have same problem.

My target: Development
Security Provider works as expected

  "name": "sp_br",
  "module": "auth",
  "action": "provider",
  "options": {
    "secret": "XxxxxxXXXXXXXX",
    "provider": "Database",
    "connection": "db",
    "users": {
      "table": "br_login",
      "identity": "id_user",
      "username": "user_login",
      "password": "user_pass"

But when I change to Target: Production
Security Provider remove users object.

  "name": "sp_br",
  "module": "auth",
  "action": "provider",
  "options": {
    "secret": "UoLLjvreld3Zf0G",
    "provider": "Database",
    "connection": "db",
    "users": {
      "table": "br_login"

This is external using private ip, so not chance to open Security Provider windows to fix it:

How to replicate:
Use two targets: Dev and Prod

  • Config security provider on targe dev as usual with database connection as usual.
  • Config database connection externally, “direct connection”
  • Now choose target Dev, and then change to target Prod.
    User objetc in security provider target Prod gone.
    Only changing target. The only solucion is view code and copying manually from dev to prod.

This issue is still happen to me, and every time I publish the user object gone and have to manually copy/paste the missing object.
Wappler 6 - Beta 14 | Windows 11 Pro | NodeJS