Security provider not saving?

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======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ========

Wappler Version : 2.5.2.
Operating System : Windows 10 pro

Expected behavior

Security provider enforcer should show Security provider

Actual behavior

Security provider server action is not saved. Thus will not show in enforcer

How to reproduce

Step one: setup server action. Then Security Provider Enforcer as in image.

As you can see Security Provider is not show.

After checking folders it appeared Security Provider folder is empty as in it was not saved.

Seems to me like you have missed the step of linking the file. On your security provider step be sure to click on the link icon to link the security enforcer for use on other pages.

Sheesh. I have done this so many times. And now I missed this.
Time for beer!
Thanks @brad

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Always something simple, lol … and never a bad time for beer :beers:

Glad it’s working for you.

I can’t save the security provider in a nodeJs project.
Wappler v3.0.0.-rc2
windows 10