Security provider interrupts with Jquery plugin

soonest as I add the security provider to my php datagrid pages, I get error messages. Getting userdata works well, but securing the pages not. Any ideas on this except sequence of code?


well ofcourse I can use some own php like this, but not really great I say. like to just use the securityprovider


Hi Peter,

Security provider and server connect has their own exception handling and seems the custom php script you use can’t handle that.

Hi George,

I set the php exception handling to another level and it works. Hinting in this direction is for the average people like me that you attract to the wappler suite (easy to use) very much appreciated, so maybe hint some extra info next time :slight_smile:

Other poor people, not understanding what to do when situations like this occur, have a look at below site. Putting this line of code in the plug-in code error_reporting(0); helps of course great, less drastic alternatives can be find here and ask for somewhat more tuning.

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