Security Provider Enforcer

The Security Provider Enforcer don’t work.
I tested and when i login to the Security site its ok and when i go to the same site, the site go to the non permission site.

Isn’t that what’s supposed to happen?

No when I log in from the login page and im set the remember. I should stay on the dashboard page. (Login OK) If I am on the dashboard page and refresh the page then it jumps to the login page. (not OK)

Have you got a Security Provider Security Logout in your page? If so make sure ‘No Auto Load’ is ticked as this will log you out.

Yes Thanks it works :slight_smile: :+1:

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@genlock that’s great! Welcome to Wappler and the astonishing community that has grown around it!

We hope you enjoy your stay.


Hi There,

I am unable to locate the security provider Enforcer setting in Wappler 4.3.0. The documentation refers to the older version. Can anybody please help, where I can find the enforcer settings?

There’s no difference, the security enforcer is on the same place in v4.

Thanks @Teodor. I noticed I was looking at setting for PHP page, however, I am using NodeJS server model. I need to use a security provider on the server-side.

It’s different for nodejs

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