Security manager possibly missing a nodejs module

Website works fine on local docker, however when I push it to my server and I try to goto a page that requires login I get this

{"status":"500","message":"Couldn't find database connection "live".","stack":"Error: Couldn't find database connection "live".\n at App.getDbConnection (/www/wwwroot/sulun/nodejsapp/lib/core/app.js:312:15)\n at new DatabaseProvider (/www/wwwroot/sulun/nodejsapp/lib/auth/database.js:9:23)\n at App.setAuthProvider (/www/wwwroot/sulun/nodejsapp/lib/core/app.js:180:26)\n at App.provider (/www/wwwroot/sulun/nodejsapp/lib/modules/auth.js:4:37)\n at App._exec (/www/wwwroot/sulun/nodejsapp/lib/core/app.js:481:57)\n at App.exec (/www/wwwroot/sulun/nodejsapp/lib/core/app.js:421:20)\n at App._exec (/www/wwwroot/sulun/nodejsapp/lib/core/app.js:442:25)\n at async App._exec (/www/wwwroot/sulun/nodejsapp/lib/core/app.js:452:17)\n at async App.exec (/www/wwwroot/sulun/nodejsapp/lib/core/app.js:421:9)\n at async App.define (/www/wwwroot/sulun/nodejsapp/lib/core/app.js:411:9)"}

I'm guessing it must be a module that is missing, but how can I find out which one it is?

Sounds like a file is missing! If it were a module, it would crash on start-up.

It says it can't find the database connection "live", so I would guess the file containing database credentials is missing on the server. These are generally inside the folder .wappler, and are copied to the root directory by Wappler depending on your selected Wappler target.

Live connection must be working as that is where the products come from.
Which is why I was thinking a module.