I’m creating a simple search within an ‘articles’ MariaDB table - it looks up three columns: subject, body, description. To get this to work correctly on the selected search query I have to use % wildcards so need to use ‘LIKE’ instead of ‘CONTAINS’ but see there is no option to do this on the ‘simple’ option in the database query manager.
I have to use ‘Custom’ method to build my queries, my question is: Would it be possible to include ‘LIKE’ as an option in the ‘Simple’ Database Query…?
Its working fine now, this is the only way I could get it to work, all other combos I tried using CONTAINS wouldnt output correct data.
SELECT ArticleID, CompanyID, ArticleCategory, ArticleDesc, ArticleBody, ArticleSubject, ArticleAuthor, ArticleAuthorEmail, ArticleImageURL
FROM articles
WHERE CompanyID = :P1 /* {{$_GET.cid}} */ AND (ArticleDesc LIKE :P2 /* {{'%'+$_GET.filtersearch+'%'}} */ OR ArticleSubject LIKE :P3 /* {{'%'+$_GET.filtersearch+'%'}} */)
Maybe database type related then, i just checked using node and wappler 5.5.2 and it seems to work as it should.
I am using a node local server setup and SQLite