Is there any documentation regarding the Search Manager panel? I looked thru the help documentation using various text searches but was unable to locate any instructions at all on how to better use it, for instance info on the File/Directory Pattern field. Thanks.
This might help.
There are often requests/suggestions for more tips in the UI. They are rarely implemented; I don't know why, as they would make a big difference. This is a good example. It's a very useful feature but probably rarely used to full advantage because of the lack of documentation, within the UI or anywhere else.
OK, thanks, yes the documentation aspect is very important in using the software, I had the same situation looking for info on the Pages Manager, for instance what is the main differences between the Files Manager & Pages Manager. Simple but important stuff. - The documentation became very confusing when trying to work with data components using documentation from Wappler 4 or 5 when things had been significantly changed & improved by version 6. It is not an entirely intuitive process that is not easily figured out on ones own, help would be helpful.