I have a db that has 7 different manufacturers. I would like to be able to search the table on the side that has mfg's and have the results displayed on my page. I am having trouble with picking a mfg. and sending the info and displaying it.
It's very hard to help if we can't see your project, I suggest you show what you've done (screenshots) and your database structure. Also, is mfg = manufacturer name?
Sorry to take so long to get back to this on. screen shots. I got the search to work (I think) the network debug great tool, thanks Apple,
But where does the output get displayed? do I do a special page or does it replace the page I am on?
What output? I don't understand
Here's a couple of items that might help:
There is a part two to this video 7b.
their should be some way to refresh the page and show the data in the same type of 'card' most on line stores use this type of search.
check out warthogfirearms.com and then click online store, fill in the search with say 'sig sauer' and see the way the website acts.
If the filter/input value is correctly set in your server action parameters, the data automatically refreshes, when the filter value changes. There's nothing additional you need to do.