I’m using tagify, and the script line get automatically added, that’s perfect, but I need to add integrity in the script because the need to hash the content for the Content-Security-Policy (CSP).
Wappler create this:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@yaireo/tagify" defer></script>
But I need to do this:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@yaireo/tagify" integrity="sha256-MT3J9XGpzFnUTrd3TXwOnzaoV0SgXk+JyaX+OlBRO34=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
But after save it reset to:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@yaireo/tagify" defer></script>
The same with summernote-lite JS:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/summernote/dist/summernote-lite.min.js"></script>
Downloading and saving the js file to adding locally and avoid CSP, it’s not working, because Wappler search for that line, if not present create a new one, and I don’t see option to avoid this.