Scoop installer - failed

I’m having a problem getting all the applications to work in Wappler (like NodeJS etc).

When I run the “System Check” it throws an error. (See Picture)
I’ve tried all kinds of stuff, even uninstalled and reinstalled Wappler. I’ve tried loading Powershell myself, manually.

Any ideas?

Scoop’s installation folder is not listed on PATH environment variable

First of all, have you tried to restart your computer? (logging out and in is enough; that is, if Scoop was really installed in first place)
Second, you can try to install Scoop manually through Powershell:

Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')

If there’s an error it should tell you :slight_smile:


Thanks - GOT IT!
Yes, I did try manually running it in power shell. I get this response:
Running the installer as administrator is disabled by default, see GitHub - ScoopInstaller/Install: 📥 Next-generation Scoop (un)installer for details.

Basically, I hadn't gotten to that next step until you asked me to install it through PowerShell ... I thought I had, but apparently not the right way.

If it helps anyone else, I had to open power shell and run these two command lines:

iwr -useb -outfile 'install.ps1'

.\install.ps1 -RunAsAdmin