SC value to Javascript

I’m trying to bind a value from a Server Connect to a Javascript using dmx-parse but can’t succed.
I use this value to load an image using OpenSeadragon viewer.

<p>url_plan_camping : {{}}</p>
                           var imageUrl = dmx.parse('');
                           //var imageUrl = "";
                           // Récupère l'URL de l'image à partir de ta source de données
                           console.log('imageUrl : '+imageUrl);
                           // Vérifie que la valeur de l'URL est correctement récupérée
                           var viewer = OpenSeadragon({
                           id: "imageContainer",
                           prefixUrl: "",
                           tileSources: {
                             type: "image",
                             url: imageUrl
<div id="imageContainer" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"></div>

When trying to force the imageUrl value with the url this works perfectly.
Binding and displaying the value in the page works perfectly.
But I can’t set it dynamically.

There is something I’m missing with dmx.parse I guess…

Thanks for your help.

Your script is running in page load, before your server connect has run, thus no data is available. Turn your script into a function and run it on success of the server connect.

How should I do?

Start by searching the forum. For example, I searched JavaScript function and found this.

Keep searching and looking for examples you can copy for your specific need.

I started with this before posting (just like i do everytime :slight_smile: )
I tried this simple example also without result… Even the console log is not displayed :thinking:

To run a js function on server connect load/success you need:

  • a function, for examlpe:
function my_func() { console.log('server action loaded!')}
  • a server action which calls this function on success:
<dmx-serverconnect id="serverconnect1" url="/api/test" onsuccess="my_func()"></dmx-serverconnect>
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Ok, I was missing the onsuccess="my_func()" part!
Many thanks.

And that is the static events part. They are used to call js functions.
Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 17.37.02

Many thanks!
This works perfectly.