SC Import From Form: Option To Import WITHOUT Validation

Been spending hours debugging my Insert Server Action. Most of the issue due to the dynamic inputs, repeats and client side validations that don’t work on server side but been imported to the script, e.g. required set by dynamic attribute, {0} set dynamically, notEqualTo dynamic field etc. Manually remove the validations didn’t entirely solve my problem because some attributes still remained in the script. I had to delete the input variables from the $_POST tree, then let the Database Action to recreate the clean variables on save.

Will be much helpful if there’s option to chose to import with or without validation under the Import From Form option.

I’m on Node.js anyway.

Thank you.

Duh still facing the same issue, should I report this as a bug?

  1. Import a from with not equal to validation
  2. The validation isn’t visible in the UI but is there in the json file
  3. Get error {status: “500”, message: “Cannot read property ‘replace’ of undefined”,…}
  4. Amend the code manually to get it fixed

All I need is option to import the form without validation or do fix the issue entirely, but I don’t have all the time to test on every validation.