Save 'Insert id" as a session to re-use

I’m wanting to pass the insert id from one page to another page and bind it to an insert column. I’m just not sure where in server connect I save the insert id to as a session and how to bind the id value to it.

I’ve done something similar using query parameters and form values but not sessions.

Help please.
Thanks in advance!

Bit vague on the mechanics of what you actually mean but doing via sessions is easy
just use set session.

and set it to the identity returned form the insert action

It can then be accessed in a later api action via

Define the session by the same name you used in the set in your new action


It can then be found in the picker in the new API action


Apologies for being vague @Hyperbytes. I think I understand this so will see how i get on. Many thanks for your help!