Salesforce Integration

Just wondering how much interest there would be in Wappler integrating more with similar to their Stripe integrations.

I have been working on a Salesforce integration and running into a number of obstacles which I have personally overcome, however I think there is an untapped market of around 150 000 salesforce customers they have built up over the last 22 years as a leading CRM system.

While integrating and running into issues such as a difficult OAuth login system, their silly XML webhook returns, and no way to respond with a 200 to their webhooks, which just keep firing forever I was forced to use a few third party systems to get around all their strange nuances.
The issues I was running into seem to affect multiple people on their forums and blog and most of them are not Wappler users but manual coders, or use the built in APEX to get things done.

In my honest opinion an integration to Salesforce would be a great opportunity for Wappler user base growth as well as a pretty common CRM that many larger companies tend to use.

@psweb Do you have any advice on this post or how did you overcome your Salesforce integration? Has anyone tried to Salesforce JWT OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Flow for Server-to-Server Integration

Well I initially went through loads of hoops setting it up, but hadn’t actually got to the full JWT setup, when I hot the issue of Salesforce service messages, whish are their version of web hooks, sending everything in XML, and not JSON. To get around that issue I needed to use Zapier as an intermediary service converting XML from Salesforce, then forwarding the output to me in JSON, at the same time I actually decided it was easier to just setup my scripts to also send to Zapier, who then sends to Salesforce for me, and they handle all the authentication, which worked out far simpler.

I spent a while messing around with it, and kept hitting various walls, while Zapier already had it all preworked out, so I just used it, however even theirs is oauth2 login and not full JWT.

Thanks @psweb that’s the route I am currently taking and that seems to be working fine. I use Zapier from MySQL to Salesforce and Salesforce to MySQL.