When uploading a large file (over 1GB but less than 5GB) using the S3 Connector, the form attempts to upload the file and after a couple minutes the progress bar on the page goes to about 70% and an error appears the console.
The AWS E2 Docker instance and the AWS S3 are in the same East Ohio region.
I disabled the Put File S3 step and the error persists, so I think it is not an issue with S3, but rather with the EC2 instance timing out.
However, since this is AWS Docker, I am at a loss as to how to resolve it. In php, I would go in and change some settings in the php.ini file. But with Nodejs and Docker, I am not sure how to proceed.
I changed the S3 Put File action to a S3 Signed Upload. After doing some extensive searching on how to change the file name and retrieve other variables needed for the update server action via sessions, I was ready to go.
Now, I get a new error that is unexpected…
So maybe all my issues with this are actually CloudFlare issues. However, I was under the impression that the S3 Sign Upload bypasses the server and is directly uploaded to the AWS S3 Bucket, so why should CloudFlare be concerned?
All seems easy enough. In your case though REMEMBER to pause Cloudflare as Certbot won’t have access to create the certificates. Also may take a little longer than normal to generate. JonR is also on AWS.
I’ll chime in a bit since I was pinged by Cheese. May not be as relevant but I find looking at other people’s methods sometimes helps myself figure things out.
I use Route 53 from AWS but Wasabi for my S3 provider (lower cost). My Docker setup is a custom server I host not on any provider. I let Wappler handle the docker install itself on that server. On one application I published not too long ago looks like I just pushed over 80,000 successful submissions over S3. However I am only dealing with images and not large files like you do. I am using AWS CloudFront. I am not using Cloudflare.
For my S3 process I am actually uploading to the Docker server first, since I am then using the image processing to resize and reformat and from there I am using the S3 Put File server action to complete the upload and after successful upload delete the original file from the server as it is no longer needed. I do also use sockets inside of the repeat to show the end user the upload progress of each image as well, since they could be uploading 40+ images the normal upload progress does not work in my use case.