Running Wappler on Raspberry Pi 5 ARM64

Great to hear that Wappler is working fine on your Raspberry Pi 5! Now I’m also getting one :slight_smile:

It’s working well :+1: . Only problem now is that Docker Desktop isn’t supported on ARM

Look for the NVME base with it
Great storage options and RAPID!

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Yes great tip about the NVME, I was looking also for one that fits in case and the Argon ones seems to be good:

As for docker, you don’t really need the full docker desktop - but just “docker” and it works all fine on Linux ARM64 of course.

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Just ordered one - out of stock with Argon but available in the UK here (should ship to EU)

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Just installed Docker Engine and it works great!
Followed these instructions:

You do need to do the post install step to allow it to run as non-root before restarting Wappler

@george where do certificates need to get put for targets on Linux? I know where they are in machines on Mac but need to get them onto the Pi5

Which certificates do you mean? Maybe @Cheese can help.

Also installing docker with sudo should be fine.

The ones for target connections that live in machines on a Mac

Are you still using the docker machines in the targets? You should move to the new servers deployment in Resource Manager that are SSH key based and much more reliable.

Docker machines are deprecated and no longer advised.

I have some older projects where I use docker for AWS and the compose file has been modified to allow things like multiple domains to point to the same project/host. I haven’t had a chance to test and change it to the Resource Manager yet.

Hey @bpj,
Are you asking about SSL certificates for database connections or the SSH key files? I’m a little confused so just after some clarity.

Thanks @george and @Cheese
I’ve got projects set up using the old Cloud Service manager from the Targets settings that set things up directly on AWS. The certificates for these were in .docker/machine/machines folder on my mac and wanted to allow my Pi5 to access the same targets so wanted to know where they should be placed in Ubuntu.

Following George’s comment about the docker method being deprecated, I’m going to spend some time transferring my platforms to use this method (Resource Manager) but it will take some testing first to make sure that everything works as it does now.

@george, may I suggest that there is a warning message in the Docker Machine management section to highlight that it is deprecated and Resource Manager is the way to go? Because it is how I have always done it, I have continued to use this method, even very recently, without knowing that there was any issue/recommendation

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First you will need to enable Show Hidden Files:

Screenshot from 2024-04-25 12-32-56

The Docker Machines directory is located:


Screenshot from 2024-04-25 12-34-09

Thanks @Cheese - ah so same path from the home folder
I think, however, that I’m probably going to use it as an opportunity to move to the ‘correct’ methodology and set up Resource Manager

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No problem at all. Good luck with your Project.
