šŸš€ RunJS 1.3.2

I did a couple of times, also ā€œreinstalledā€ the files. I just realized this morning that the data table is also missing.

I am using Wappler 5.3.1 on a Mac, if this helps.

Yep. Me too.

Besides re-adding the files and restarting the desktop app, have you tried creating a new Server Connect action with a new RunJS action step?

If it still doesnā€™t work maybe follow this guide and open a bug report so the team can check it as it seems something related to the UI. The Data UI control should be appearing not matter what. If itā€™s not itā€™s probably throwing an error that can be found in the log.


Yes, this is a bug. In fact, two separate bugs

The code emptying is because you attempted to save without unfocusing the textarea, so the event responsible for actually updating the code textarea internally is never called. This can be worked around by clicking the mouse somewhere else before attempting to save it. Feel free to open a bug report

Actually, this did the trick: removed the whole action, closed Wappler, removed the files, installed the files again and added the action again, now it looks okay to me.

Thank you.


Good point, had a similar issue with renaming properties. One to watch for.


In my experience, this bug is limited to just custom extensions. For built-in components, SA is saved correctly even with focus on textarea.

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