Route w/parameter error

Getting an error on a page route using a parameter.

Setup is:
Route: /app/admin/
Page route: /business/:business_id?

Typing the url into a browser directly (/app/admin/business/1) everything works.


Linking to this page, the UI selector gives:


which produces the following error:

Screen Shot 2020-05-11 at 2.08.09 PM

What is the proper route syntax?


Question - why not use href?

As for the syntax:

dmx-on:click="browser.goto('./business/' + business_id)
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No reason…just easy. :slight_smile: Generated a table with rows, and added a click event to the row.

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Need a bug report to help the selection of the route improve?

Why can’t you use the Dynamic Attribute --> Link?

Because when using a route, the route selector should be used…ya?

The syntax Teodor provided is what I needed, but the editor does not insert that syntax.

I’m all set, unless a bug report is desired by the team.

I made this a bug report. Yes the syntax should be the one that Teodor pointed out only.

This was solved some time ago