Roadmap for automation tests (Cypress)

Ok thanks. Time to dive into Cypress :sunglasses:

Cypress is nice, but if I were to start fresh I would probably go with my previous suggestion.

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Okay cool, thanks for the links. I’ll check them out :nerd_face:

With playwright you can test all modern browsers with the same API and you can use js/ts, python and .net to write tests.

And with codecept you write tests(in JS) and run in Playwright, WebDriver, Puppeteer, TestCafe, Protractor or Appium.

This gives you a lot of flexibility in case in the future you need to change something or even test native apps(via Appium).

So do you actually write tests before you create the actual functionality in Wappler? I watched this guy do this with Ruby on Rails and thought it was very fascinating.

Nope. What would you test then? :slight_smile:

Well what he did was for instance write some tests that say (this code is not finished yet, he will add details later in the video) Link to video at this timestamp:

And after finishing most of the code the tests look like this:

So now he has his testing setup ready for the features he is working on as noted in his github project (which is something I found fascinating, as well. To use github directly for a kanban instead of trello for instance):

Obviously, these tests should now fail, since the functionality is not yet developed. And so they do.
Now he has very clearly defined what the functionality should do and he writes the code to add the functionality. Once that is done he just reruns the tests to see if they still fail.

I thought it was genius! :exploding_head: :partying_face:
So I’m trying to figure out a way to work similar to that, but with my favorite tool Wappler :sunglasses:

Oh I see. If he feels comfortable with that, that is OK. And you could do exactly the same with cypress or playwright+codeceptjs.

I don’t see added value, but I guess that if you are hugely test oriented then it could be OK to follow that approach.

But it’s not considered best practice or anything. Just a preference :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your thoughtful response. I’m going to try if that way of working (so the test driven development) is something that I like to work with.

I’ll report back here with my findings and setup.

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@George is there a plan to integrate cypress to Wappler In a short term?

Might be interesting for those using Cypress:

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