Ultra fast web development with Docker in Wappler

We will be making a Server Connect with nodejs as well - now that we have all the ground work for easy development and deploy :slight_smile:



Anything to say?

Not tomorrow :slight_smile:




You can say the word Bubble… it’s ok

Hey just a quickie here… I’ve started up the docker engine… Got everything humming…
Now where do I find my database to create some tables and what not…
I’m getting the feeling I need another piece of software?? Will this other piece of software differ depending if I choose Mongodb vs Sql?? What are the pros and cons of the options?

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Hey thanks for the reply Ben… I’m a little dense tho when it comes to this setup (my experience is with Bubble)
I’m assuming this is where I find the DB… how do I add and remove entity’s from it?

That’s already been explained in the topic:

Thanks Teodor… I did read through that but maybe you haven’t understood exactly what I’m asking…
In that part of the post it describes how to find the database in order to edit it…
What I would like to know is how I edit it and what external tool should I use. Please keep in mind I have no idea about what a MongoDB or a SQL database actually is let alone what the pro’s and cons are…

I understand you are most likely very busy however if you could potentially just point me in the direction of some software that I can use to edit the database, this would be appreciated

Using PHP with MySQL or Maria db will be just perfectly fine for 99% of the cases.
Just use a tool like MySQL workbench or Navicat to connect to your MySQL db and add/edit tables in it.

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Perfect thanks, just as you wrote this I started download MySQL workbench… I must be having a day but it took me ages to find the info in the forum…

I don’t think this has been documented as it’s not Wappler related. These are some general web development topics and these tools are well known across the web.

A database creator tool is coming to Wappler however. It will allow you to create your db tables directly within Wappler.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Docker - unable to deploy when no database is selected

5 posts were split to a new topic: Docker Desktop Installation

I’m having trouble on the last step in regards to accessing the database with external tools.

I’ve tried accessing via MySQL Workbench and Table Plus. I’m getting the same error when using both…

Unknown MySQL server host ‘http://localhost:8100’ (0)

When I go to http://localhost:8100 in my browser the index page loads as it should, but whenever I try to connect to the database with an external tool I’m getting the above error.

I’m trying to connect via port 9906 as I should be. Username and password are correct.

Any suggestions?

Have a look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR57Yncd8s8&t=100s where Heidi is used

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