Retrieving files form remote docker to "rebuild" fresh local project

Hi everybody,
I need help to “rebuild” my local project (Mac).
My App is Nodes / Bootstrap / Posgresql / Docker / Linode

Last week i finished a list of new features and deployed my app on production.

I wanted to secure my “app setup” and created and deployed the app on a staging linode.
My GitHub did not work since few weeks (impossible to push to remote) and this was my next critical task. I tried to unlock this without any result.

Of course… Yesterday my Mac CCleaner software deleted tons of files from my computer including files from my App project (pages, sc, configs are missing…).
I have recents BackUp and app is freshly deployed, up-to-date both on prod and staging env.

What could be the best practice to set a fresh stable local wappler app with a new git-repo, with all my pages, server connects, target and project settings?
How could i Get the deployed files (i assume it’s possible)?

Many thanks

There are several different ways of exploring the file system of a container.

Check out Stackoverflow for further details. There may well be a lot you can’t recover. SSH keys, and Project settings (although am unsure if the .wappler directory is contained). Really depends what else CCleaner gobbled up. You should be able to recover at least some of your Project though.

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Thanks for your answer.

I got all keys and settings in a backup > lucky me!
I was able to get the last versions of views and sc using the file > remote > download tool.

I deleted the GIT repository + .git and was able to create a new one and push to remote the project and can work again with GitHub in the future.

I have one remaining problem > My local DB (from this back-up) is not uptodate and the last DB changes are missing. How could I duplicate the production (uptodate) or staging db and use it in my local project?
(Note : I finished a big sprint recently and I’ll be working on new features in the future so I do not need the old changes)

I tried to import my production dump_sql but all tables were imported without references and subtables. Any idea?

I finally solve my DB manager problem by importing the production dump file > rebooting computer > restarting docker and restarting wappler > refreshing full schema > reseting changes history

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