Repeat values

Wappler Version :3.7.6
Operating System :big sur
Server Model: php
Database Type: maria
Hosting Type:

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

Repeat for query in api should show db columns

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

Just the index, number etc shows

Any advice? Thanks

Any reason why is the repeat in a condition? And what’s in the else step?

Teo thanks for your reply.
The condition is checking there are any records in the database. Basically it is a temporary shopping cart table (holiday booking system), and this API is a stripe endpoint. If the shopper purchased anything then the records are inserted into a calendar table by selecting the data from the repeat. There is nothing in the else clause yet, but it will check if the shopper purchased any add-ons. These will then be marked as paid.

Maybe related to this bug: Schema/fields have dissappeared from queries since 3.7.7 update when using data picker - SC