Rendering summernote content with no html "noise"

What’s up boys,
When we let a user input his details with a summernote form, content is displayed by browser with all its html tags:

Is there a text element that would render nicely, while respecting the summernote formatting?

Thanks all.

How are you displaying this on the page? Are you getting the data from your database?

Yes from the DB:
<p class="text-black-50 small">{{}}</p>

This renders badly though :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Use dmx-html ( you can do it in dynamic attributes > display > inner html) of the paragraph


I was so close!! :sweat_smile:
Thanks man.
For the readers, inside paragraph, go to dynamic attributes / inner html:

<p class="text-black-50 small" dmx-html=""></p>