Removing sortable headers of a bootstrap table

This went wrong some days ago, so yesterday I thought I give it a try again while recording it:

As you can see this went totally wrong, and I’m not sure why.

Before removing the sort I had copied the whole code, so that I could paste it again after removing the sort. But that also did not work in this case. Luckily when closing wappler it reverted back to the old setting.

I don’t know if it’s relevant here, but it’s important to bear in mind that re-running the table generator is not a good idea if you have made any manual changes - if you’ve made any changes which are not available from the generator UI. I would use the App Structure panel to select the part I wanted to remove:


… then you can see exactly what’s going to happen.

I see you manually added some inputs and buttons in your table. The table generator uses Inner Text dmx-text="value" attribute for the cell values and when trying to run the wizard again it “sees” a code which is not recognized - such as the inputs in the cells. That breaks the table code.

I understand. So is there any way you could Wappler so that it not brakes in such cases? Or is there a different way I should go about it?

I want to have a text input in each cell of a specific column of the table. If there is another way to achieve the same please let me know.

That is the right way of including the inputs, you are not doing it wrong.
We will check how could the table generator be improved to work fine in such cases, when you edit the table.

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For now, if you want to remove sortable headers, open the code view and just delete everything so that your table headers become just:


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