Removing old services from server in Resource Manager

I have an old service in Resource Manager which was an old project that nolonger exists. It was deployed by Resource Manager to an AWS instance shared across a few projects. I want to remove it because it must be unnecessarily using resources on the server but can't see a way of doing this. Any ideas?


There's no context menu to use to stop/kill/terminate the ceweb24 project

If you have root access to the instance, use the 'ps' command to see if this service is running. If yes, remove it based on that OS's packing utility. On the wappler side, it's just an entry somewhere in your project directory. I'd completely stop wappler, go looking for the file where this service entry exists, make a backup, and remove the entry.

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Thanks David,
I do have root access but I'm not sure it will be very easy to identify it to stop it as they show as docker containers without any details. What I was hoping for was a fairly simple way, idealy via Wappler, to gracefully stop services and remove whatever is needed from Traefik, Portainer etc.

@george - If I have access to the Portainer dashboard can I safely Kill the Stack relating to this service?


Also, the command is "docker ps" to list Docker containers (instead of just "ps")

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Yes you can use portainer or docker commands to remove the old services.

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Thanks George.
How does that work in terms of Traefik?

e.g. if I have an old service that was linked to and I kill the stack and push another project out to the same server that needs to take over for that subdomain. Will traefik know that the old one has gone and allow the new certificates and routes to be created?

When the service is no longer running it won’t be picked up by traefik and the new one should replace it

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Thanks George