Removed File Manager Expanded View?

  • Removed the expanded FTP View, as it was rarely used and we are also moving more to centralized publishing and deploy

Why? Now there is no way to see if files are uploaded, see file sizes, remove files from server, etc. I used the expanded view everyday!

Is something replacing it?

May I ask what data you are gathering to inform this opinion? @Teodor @George

I was rather disappointed that the new file manager didn’t offer much in the way of new features - indeed, lost a few features. I would find it particularly useful to be able to see dates next to files, and to be able to sort by date. I realise it was possible before, but it wasn’t very useable. One of the few areas where Dreamweaver was better.

As long as the current FTP options are not removed, it’s not a big problem. It was often necessary to use the OS file manager before - and it still will be.

Just to reassure you guys - we are working on a much better FTP synchronization dialog.

There you will be able to see the exact deference between the local and remote and choose what to upload and what not. This way you will be even able to clean up your remote.

The FTP options will stay @TomD - we are just adding more options to deploy and synchronize.

But hey - it is all just a preview - so you can check it out - if you really want the remote view back, we can always bring it back.

As long as there will be a way to view the remote files and file sizes and be able to remove files I’ll be happy. :wink:

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That would be great. I tend to be a little apprehensive about uploading from Wappler. Once or twice ‘unexpected’ things have happened when new files have been uploaded (files I didn’t realise were going to be transferred). I often use FileZilla instead, but would prefer to use Wappler if it offered more control.

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6 posts were split to a new topic: Future Git and FTP site deployment

I had already reported that the File Manager of the server files had some problems (it did not display all the files) In order to view them I had to activate the Debug Commands icon
Now, however, File Manager has been removed and for me too it is a very serious loss.
I used it every day
I am confused by this choice