Remove Array List Item does not have access to existing Array List

Wappler Version : 7B2 (leftover from 6.8.0)
Operating System : mac intel
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Expected behavior

When using the Remove Array List At Index OR Remove Array List Item, I should be able to selected an Array List that was created with the Create Array List action.

Actual behavior

The action presents an Empty List message.

How to reproduce

Create an array using the Create Array List action inside a Condition.

Create an Remove Array List Item action outside of the original Condition. The Array created will not be available.

Move the Remove action into the Condition and the Array List will be available.

Why do you have the create in a condition and the remove outside, when the condition doesn't execute it will never be created and the remove will throw an error.

You are correct, my “work around” of moving the create above the condition, is actually the property way to do it… Always create the list but conditionally add to it.

I shouldn’t report bugs when I’m building new logic!

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