I changed my mail provider information on my staging server in Wappler. I did this using the Server Connect Settings -> Environment tag. I pressed the Save button and restarted the services on my staging server. However, the app/config/config.json file on the staging server does not reflect the changes made and saved in Wappler (only locally do I see the changes in the staging server's config.json file). The staging server still contains the old mail provider data.
Is it possible to force a reload of the config.json file's configuration without having to do a full deploy?
In the meantime, I used the "publish" button instead of Deploy and selected just that file. This worked, but hoping there's a way to perform minor changes without taking the site down momentarily.
ah, I didn't read that comment. I know there have been conversations about zero-downtime deployment, but outside of that, making updates while using Docker requires a small amount of downtime.