Refresh open server action open in wappler

We often use the code editor to do some copy pasting of steps from other server actions / templates.

When havbing a server action open in the editor + code view in wappler, it works like this:

  1. You edit something visually, the code view updates instantly and reflects your change
  2. When you edit something in the code view, the wappler editor does not update.

It would be great if I can refresh that (like cmd+R just like int he browser) instead of closing it, finding it again and re-opening it.

Possibly very low hanging fruit that would be a great QOL improvement?

See video for visual showing what I mean:

Its not necessary to close it, you can Refresh, but yes, its neccesary a shortcut for this.

Well Today I learned! Thanks, this is already very helpful. Wasn’t aware of that menu.