ReferenceError: dmx is not defined

We have a decent amount of events logged by Sentry where 'dmx is not defined'.

I can reproduce the error by simply removing the appconnect include on the layout page.

We can't seem to puzzle together why this happens. I thought perhaps only old browsers but there's also recent browsers in there:

@patrick Any idea when this could happen?
On replays we can see that all the bindings are there and a moving mouse so it does seem to really affect certain users:

We're on Node.

Show how you include

Just the default way


well check the devtools network tab to see what errors and files are missing

As mentioned in the OP: we're recording this using Sentry. I can't reproduce it locally other than removing appconnect.

Would love some input on this :slight_smile:

At what line is this error thrown? Check if you can find the line number

It's thrown in all the appconnect extensions

It looks like Sentry is active before dmxAppConnect.js has been fully loaded.

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Thanks for the input Ben, I'm in doubt this is happening:

  1. As per the sentry documentation, you should load it before all other scripts JavaScript | Sentry for JavaScript
  2. I see that it's actually set up right underneath the dmxAppConnect.js
    (not following Sentry's instructions, so I'll move it up now and see if that helps)
  3. If that's the case then wouldn't it consistenyl be a problem?
  4. As far as I understand Sentry, it gotta be set up to catch errors - and it shouldn't catch those errors if they are not actually happening. So if this is caused by Sentry loading before dmxappconnect, that shouldn't impact that. It should just send all subsequent errors to Sentry.

Someone with a good idea on debug logs to add to figure this out?