Redis - Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN redis

Wappler v5.4.3, NodeJS, MacOS, Linode Remote Server 22.04 Ubuntu with Docker


I deployed a project to Linode Remote Server today, which didn’t run correctly. On inspecting the web server logs, I saw these redis errors Error: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN redis.

Then as a test, I disabled the Redis setting under Server Connect Settings, kept the Redis setting enabled under Project Target settings, redeployed the project - the web app started working correctly.

Under Resource Manager, I can see Redis is still installed and running in the Remote Docker container. The web app fails to run when Redis under Server Connect is enabled for the remote target and deployed with that setting.

I haven’t come across this error before in projects that were deployed with Sockets method under Project Targets. This is the 1st time I have used Resource Manager to create and deploy a remote server. Could it be related to this? Any ideas how to resolve this issue.

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Hey Shalabh, I haven’t worked with the resource manager.
But I have gotten that error many times, and from my recollection (in my case) the error meant that Redis wasn’t running.

Just wanted to share, as this might speed up your debugging.

Hi Karh, thanks for highlighting another area to check for this error. I hadn’t seen this error until today when I created remote server via Resource Manager. That’s why I was thinking that it could be related to that. But the error could be due to an entirely different reason.

In this case, Redis was running on the remote server, but for an unknown reason, I was getting this error when I had Redis enabled under Server Connect Settings. Once I disabled Redis under Server Connect for the remote target and redeployed the project, the app started working correctly.

Found the solution to the problem. It is described in:

and will be solved in the next update

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Fixed in Wappler 5.5.2