Receive Jason Data back to Wappler From MS Power Automate

Hi Guys

im sending Jason Request to Microsoft PowerAutomate (AKA Flow) with jason data to trigger the Flow. then it will search in Sharepoint folder and look for the file (file name is send by the wappler serverconect) . every thing working fine and I’m getting a search results in the MS Flow.

but i don’t know how to get the response from Flow using Wappler, i can use post from Flow but i need to define a URL, how can i create a URL in wappler to get the data.

I’m new to wappler so please help if possible.

Hi Mevanl

I do a similar thing, check if the folder exists, if not I create.

I use the response option in power automate to return a 200 if successful, I then just use the dynamic events in Wappler to action the response.


Patrick posted the following a while back which helps:

"Events triggers on following status codes:

Success: < 400
Invalid: 400
Unauthorized: 401
Forbidden: 403
Error: 402, > 403 or when there was a Parse error

Start: triggers when request is about to start
Abort: triggers when request was aborted
Done: triggers always when request is finished

Upload and Download events are for the progress."

Hope that helps, Paul

Hi @elpod Thanks for this. i learned new thing today from you,
may be my question is misleading, what i want is to get the search result data back to the wappler. not the response.

i got a quick fix for this using insert new row to DB new table with result and I’m getting that result in to the page. :smile:

hope their is some easier ways to pass result directly to wappler using API