Read/View .eml eMail files with NodeJS


I’m looking for a possibility to read (view) .eml eMail files.

Does someone in the community have experience with this?

I found the following possible solutions:

How could I use a NodeJS Module in Wappler?

I would appreciate any help :slight_smile:


You can install any node package using the terminial in Wappler. The challenge you’ll have is with connecting it to Wappler workflow/components. I have not made it this far in my app so I’m not sure what those challegnes are, but I can say that mailparser works well – I previously built a plugin for Bubble that used it to parse gmail emails. I’m hoping to rebuild the same functionality in Wappler over the next few months.


@kfawcett did you already had the time to look into integrating mailparser?