Random html code generated when adding dmx-on:click event for a button

Wappler Version : 7-b14
Operating System : MacOS
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type:
Hosting Type:

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

When adding a dynamic event for a button, the code should only add dmx-on:click="" html in the code editor.

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

When adding a dynamic event, a randomly generated html code is being added.

Standard button

<button id="btn1" class="btn">Button</button>

After adding a dynamic click event

<b<div class="container-fluid header p-1" dmx-on:click="">on>

Hey, does that happen when you are on the code view/split view?
Have seen that before, but sometimes.. so I can't give more information

This is happening in the split view. I have come across this issue for the first time.

I saw this behavior when the cursor on the code view is in the middle of an element, and you try to add something using the app structure panel