I have two fields, item_search and points_search. I’m trying to filter a table by either field if only one is filled in, or both if they are both filled in. I can’t seem to get the logic right in the Conditions. The item search is filtered by ‘contains’ and the points_search by ‘less or equal’ if that matters.
but that will filter either just the item_name or item_name AND item_points, but not just points. Flipping them around it works the other way. OR doesn’t work as it shows items that are either in item_search or <= to point_search.
What I want is if I fill in just the item_search it will filter by item_search, if I fill in just point_search it will filter by just that and if both are filled in it will filter by both.
Ah ha!!! Thanks Tom! I knew there was some bit I was missing and that was it. Didn’t tweak to me to not put the first condition in that first box, but to add the group first. Makes sense now. Your example didn’t quite work, but this did…
I'm glad you got it working, though I would have thought you've made it more complicated than necessary.
That's what my example does. Eg using the countries in my example, the result will be 'UK', whether I search for:
country = UK (input1)
code = GBR (input2)
country = UK | code = GBR (both inputs used)