QR code on Wappler preview bug

Wappler 6.7.0
Windows 10

This is a strange one:
Scanning the QR from Wappler throws something else than my address:

  1. Scan the QR

  2. There's someone else IP? Not an internal IP neither:

  3. No, that's not my IP and, not my config:

  4. No info on geo-location search:

Any idea?

PS: Present on all projects. Doesn't matter if own server or Wappler local server

A 169.. IP means essentially no IP address, or a DHCP failure.

Oh you are right @Cheese, still wonder why it's there.

Not sure, should be a local address. I don't actually own a Smartphone hahaha... I have a Nokia 100 so can't check our side to see if it does the same. I can play Snake though!


Well Wappler tries to determine what is your local network ip address, so that you can open it on your phone that is assumed to be on the same network.

So your ip address depends on your local network configuration.

On windows you can open a command prompt and check your ip with:

ipconfig /all

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Thanks @George and @Cheese both replies help me identify the issue and was related with a new "network" driver created by virtualbox

I always thought it was the web server url from the project settings (same as open in browser) honestly never used, but it's good to know how it works, thanks again.

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