Purple Theme for Wappler

Which Gradient? I don’t see any gradients?

body {
    background-image: radial-gradient(65% 80% at 50% 50%, #251f3b 0%, #131022 100%);

I’ve experimented turning it off, it does gets uglier, don’t recommend that either

Strange, I don’t see any gradient in Chrome on both desktop and mobile.

It’s subtle.

The gradient is very subtle, I don’t think it needs to be changed. The initial gradient was worse, I tried using exactly the same as on wappler.io, but that was too much, so I made it as minimal as possible.

The problem with discourse is that you can only set a limited number of colors, it generates the colors based on these base colors. The initial purple color was even darker, had to make it a lot lighter since many links became unreadable. Also had to override several css styles to fix several styling issues here.

The colors being used:

Any suggestions for improvements are welcome, every styling can be overwritten and customized.

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I d love have same theme on Wappler

I think the color palette for the forum is great
My eyes enjoy browsing the forum. :slight_smile:

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@patrick can use dracula theme, in editor and wappler

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