To generate PDFs, I run url2pdf extension, which requires puppeteer and chromium. Today the process of generating PDF started failing on the server (Docker deployments).
Upon investigation, I saw that Chromium had crashed on the server. The Chromium process keeps running and doesn't fully finish. As a result, it was utilising up to 100% of the CPU usage. I had to reboot the server to bring the status back to normal.
I have attached two screenshots of the web server logs showing puppeteer errors.
Has anyone come across this issue? I have tried to find information on the internet in case there's an issue with puppeteer and chromium versions, but there's no issue reported similar to what I am getting.
Any help in resolving this issue is greatly appreciated. For the time being, I have disabled the steps that generate PDF in the app, so that the server doesn't crash.
EDIT: The PDFs are being generated correctly in the local Docker deployment. This issue is happening in remote servers only.